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Hot Air Balloon Fire & First Aid

The hot air balloon Fire & First Aid course is tailored to commercial hot air balloon pilots as a requirement made in Part-BOP, however it is an extremely worthwhile course for all hot air balloon pilots, pilots under training, and even ground crew.

Normally this open course is held in our home city of Bristol, but we are more than happy to travel the UK. We are also able to travel out the UK to provide these courses and have delivered this training in many countries around the world. Please get in touch with your requirements and will we be able to work with you for your training needs.

Our courses are delivered in the English language. You’ll have continuous assessment throughout the course, and you’ll leave with a certificate at the end which is recognised by many aviation authorities around the world. If you need specific training or wording on certificates, then this can be provided for you.

Certification is valid for 3 years.